The Calasanz System
THE CALASANZ SYSTEM™ blends the best parts of these disciplines into a unified whole. You can try all of them or concentrate on one that is most appealing to you. Again, the choice is yours. There is so much in this system to choose from.
For instance, if you are interested in fitness, you may want to focus on Aerobic Isolation & Isometric. If you’d like to experience the boxer’s workout without having to get into a ring to fight, American Boxing may be for you. This program includes the exercises boxers use to burn calories, work different muscle groups, and is an excellent cardiovascular workout.
If you’re a competitive boxer or MMA competitor you may choose to do some of the Aerobic Isolation & Isometric exercises to improve your muscle endurance, cardio, strength, flexibility, and speed.
If you’re looking for practical self-defense, Street Survival may be for you. If you have a black belt in karate, you may choose to round out your training with a softer style like Wing Chun Kung Fu or learn the strong grounding techniques of Chinese Boxing. If you’re looking to get into great physical shape, American Kickboxing may be for you.
Whether it’s THE CALASANZ SYSTEM™ as a whole or one of its components, you’ll never be bored! Let Calasanz and his Certified Personal Trainers create the program that’s right for you.