The principles of kicking and punching in a competitive style are taught to get the student accustomed to facing off with an opponent. American Kickboxing used to be practiced by kicking above the waist and punching to the head. In the last 5 to 10 years, it has evolved into a more complex exchange where low kicks, and knee and elbow strikes are also incorporated. Calasanz requires students to undergo hours of drills and combinations before they progress to free form fighting. American Kickboxing as it is taught at Calasanz should not be confused with fitness or cardio kickboxing, as it has become known in the fitness industry. Techniques are always taught with self-defense applications in mind and a concentration on developing good form.
Tommy, one of Calasanz’s most loyal students has been diligently training in the American boxing system for years. He discovered Calasanz after leaving his health club. He was looking for an exercise regime that would keep him physically fit as well as present him with a challenge.