
Calasanz Training Students in Street Survival

This course which also has a similarity to a single blow, the different is based on the complexity of the techniques. Sometimes we talk about street smart, probably you can talk someone out of a fight, probably you can subdue the assailant, could be that you took a gun and the assailant ran away, there are many others area in which this course emphasize on respect of the street. Here you learn many self-defense techniques, still you
learn single blows, but in such a way, your training again, is more complex,

For More Information Please Visit us at Calasanz.com and InterDojo.com

For More Information Please Visit us at Calasanz.com and InterDojo.com

All courses can last from one to 6 months given the equivalent to 144 hours of smart, intelligence training, having equivalent of a black belt skill in which you get your black belt certification, it is done just if you spend the complete 6 months, or you can do it just in one month.

For More Information Please Visit us at Calasanz.com and InterDojo.com